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Take Time Tuesday: She Colors Nature

Take Time Tuesday: She Colors Nature

This is the second blog in our Take Time Tuesday series to #amplifymelinatedvoices in intersectional environmentalism. Click here to learn more.

It is my sheer pleasure to introduce you this week to Chelsea Murphy of @she_colorsnature on Instagram.

Chelsea is one of my favorite leaders in the outdoors providing anti-racist education and showing a path forward.

If you're an Instagram user and aren’t following Chelsea yet, I encourage you to do so! Though I was introduced to her first through our partnership with Adventure Mamas Initiative and a mutual love of the outdoors, I have come to also deeply value her teaching on anti-racism. She is thoughtful, provocative, and encouraging.

To give you a glimpse, here's some of her writing from last week:

Black lives matter. Period.

When I hold my sign that says Black lives matter, I mean just that. My black life matters, and so do my daughters, my sisters and brothers, and my mother and fathers.

I am not speaking about the BLM organization. Minimum research finds that supporting the organization, means funding the Democratic Party. That’s still hard for some people.

Black lives matter. It’s personal. When I put my sign in the yard that says Black lives matter, I mean only that. My life is worth saving. My Black life is worth rioting about. My Black life is worth marching for. Our Black lives matter.

You can still believe Black lives matter without financially supporting the Black Lives Matter Org. The news and media have high jacked the movement and created a divergence. Focus, Please.

Don’t allow yourself to be swayed into thinking that “BLACK LIVES MATTER” is anything other than the cry of a race for help. It’s a cry for humanity, equality and a statement in which you should stand in solidarity for today, and every day.

Your Black life matters.
My Black life matters.
Our Black lives matter.

Cheers to another week of getting outdoors and working towards an anti racist community.

View full post and comments/conversation on Instagram.

Additionally, if you learn something from her, pay her! Her Venmo is @cemurph3.

Let's keep being better humans to each other. 

Stay in it.


filed under: #TakeTimeTuesday

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