Candles For Thoughtfully Clean People

Part Three: Reuse. How to adventure sustainably with pro-tips to find used gear and resell your old gear easily
It’s time to pack for your next camping trip and you remember: the last time you stayed in your tent, it rained. You stayed mostly dry, but there was one pesky hole that dripped water all night… right onto your face. Time for a new tent?
This week, we’re looking at best practices for the 3rd of 5 “R’s” of waste management: REUSE.
Does that mean finding “new” gear second hand? What about upgrading gear? What do you do with your old stuff?
Here are some things to ask yourself before you buy, and then, when you’re ready to invest, how you can make resourceful purchases (and save yourself some money too).
Part Two: Reduce
This is part two of five in an earth month series. Check out the intro and other posts here. This week, we’re taking a look at how we can reduce plastic use at home and on our outdoor adventures. Spoiler alert: this one’s tricky! Looking back on my gear wish list in part one of this series, the 2nd “R” of waste management, REDUCE, presents a special challenge. Are you like me? Do you wanna know the thing I find the most challenging to “reduce”? You’ve probably already guessed: PLASTIC. Removing unnecessary plastic waste from our home life has gotten...