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Community Classes

Community Classes

Let's share knowledge, build community, and have a little adventure. We are thrilled to offer community classes at Redbudsuds

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250,000 Plastic Bottles Stopped

250,000 Plastic Bottles Stopped

Our priority is eliminating plastic whenever possible. REDBUDSUDS 4-in-1 bars eliminates the need for three plastic bottles. Together we stopped 250,000 bottles from entering the waste stream!  How we purchase, and use products in our daily lives, is a meaningful way to make a difference in our communities.  Daily actions are magic.  Our habits not only shape the world, they shape us.  It can start with something as simple as the shower you take every day. We are proud to partner with rePurpose Global on our sustainability journey to recover plastic waste from marginalized global communities who are most affected by...

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Whippoorwill, Turkey, Loon, and Coyote Songs

Whippoorwill, Turkey, Loon, and Coyote Songs

The Beaver Island Retreat contacted us a few days ago to restock suds for the season. At home in Grand Rapids, all hands are working on the opening of our studio shop Thoughtfully Clean  ~ sustainable goods for adventurous people.  The “to do list” is in full swing; it would be easiest to ship the order and check off the list. In the spirit of "find adventure everyday”....I pulled open my dresser to pack and glanced at my late grandmother's quilting lanyard in the drawer, with the words inscribed " the truth is out there" festooned with a commemorative beaver...

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