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NEW! Brave Bar + Chat with Brave Trails

NEW! Brave Bar + Chat with Brave Trails


THE BRAVE BAR! We start off with our hydration station base and add in Patchouli, Lavender and Alkanet (for that beautiful purple color).

The best part is that 10% of the sale of each bar will go to Brave Trails.

Brave Trails is a place where LGBTQ+ youth find what they need most to thrive: their people, their place, and their passion.

They do this through accredited summer camps, family camps, mentorship programs, meet-up groups, and year-round leadership programming, including mental health programs.

Watch this week's STOKE to learn more from Jessica, Brave Trails co-founder and Executive Director.

Now go get yourself some Brave Suds and may all your adventures be thoughtfully clean!



filed under: Camper Chat | stoke

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