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Take Action on World Water Day

Take Action on World Water Day

It’s World Water Day on March 22!

What’s World Water Day, you say?

It’s about “tackling the water crisis by addressing the reasons why so many people are being left behind.”

According to the UN:

Billions of people are still living without safe water – their households, schools, workplaces, farms and factories struggling to survive and thrive. Marginalized groups – women, children, refugees, indigenous peoples, disabled people and many others – are often overlooked, and sometimes face discrimination, as they try to access and manage the safe water they need.”

Being a soap company in Northeast Ohio, we did a little research to figure out how we might promote clean water close to home.

We found some really helpful tips from the Alliance for the Great Lakes, an environmental non-profit that "works to protect the Great Lakes for today and tomorrow."

Three things You can Do to Protect Clean Water Every Day:

REFUSE single-use plastic containers, straws and grocery bags.

REUSE non-plastic alternatives like water bottles, cloth napkins, reusable packaging, and reusable grocery bags.

SPREAD THE WORD by sharing this information with friends and family, and urging them to reduce their plastic use, too. If you're local to Ohio, this could include signing up for a Great Lakes beach clean-up, or joining the Alliance for the Great Lakes newsletter to get action alerts and let your voice be heard when important legislation is in the works. If you don't live near the Great Lakes, what body of water near you could you support?

Anther way to help!

At Redbudsuds, we believe that every day is an important day to care for our water. On World Water Day, we're raising the bar even higher! 50% of every item you purchase on our website on March 22-23 will go directly to Alliance for the Great Lakes to support clean water projects, legislation and education.

SHOP to support clean water

Small drops make an ocean; we're making waves.

Thanks for making a difference with every shower!



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