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Shower Bar Gift Guide

Shower Bar Gift Guide

When the holiday gift-buying list (and the general to-do list of life) feels overwhelming… what do you do?

It is so tempting to cave to convenience, but this season, we're asking ourselves at Redbudsuds:

How do my buying choices reflect the kind, thoughtful world I want to live in over the frantic, consumer-based world clambering for my attention?

It’s okay not to "do it all," but let's do what we can.

That's why we’ve created this guide to help you match the best bar for the occasion.

If you're wishing to gift Redbudsuds to friends, family, colleagues or coworkers this season, we hope you find this helpful. Remember: these are only suggestions. Use your creativity and always ask if you have questions!


product suggestion by price

Smelling the fresh, natural Redbudsuds

chart by soap category

soap by scent

tons of suds

soap by skin and hair type

Thank you for supporting our small business where each purchase counts towards a quality work environment, thoughtfully sourced materials and the equitable pay of three women on our team and their families (and the countless other businesses we support locally!) here in NE Ohio.

Redbudsuds team in workshop

Additionally, each purchase supports our planet in a variety of ways you can learn about here: 3 Ways To Leave No Trace With Redbudsuds.

1% for the Planet Redbudsuds

To date, we’ve stopped over 80,000 plastic bottles from entering the waste stream and donated over $8,000 to connect people with the outdoors and protect wild-lands and watersheds.

Small drops make an ocean. Thanks for being a part of our waves.

Cheers to many thoughtfully clean adventures ahead,


filed under: product news

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  • Marilyn Shetler on

    I’m looking for a bargain :) I need about 12 bars od soap for our showers. if u have some overstock, or some imperfect ones. i’m not picky about the scents- all your soap is good

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